Web Hosting Service If you intend on carrying out business online, then a web hosting service is required. There are various business offered to accommodate your requirements. While having a wide variety of options is useful, it likewise makes picking a hosting service provider for your sites more difficult. Offers Too Good To Be True May End Up Costing Your The web hosting sector has actually been pestered by a repeating pattern of companies making grand claims however stopping working to provide, leaving a path of disillusioned consumers and a credibility for unreliability. As an outcome,…
Blog – Articles & News
Digital Success Begins With a High Quality Website
Your internet site is an investment in your company’s future. Get the best website design for your digital website from the professionals.
Mobile page speed vs design aspects of a web page
Page Speed vs Design Aesthetics For a long time, it was believed that the speed of the page on Page Speed tests were calculated based on the speed of the whole page. Well, as it turns out, those speed test results are based on the part of the web page that is displayed above the fold. We redesigned it. Made it simple, uncluttered and faster download for our mobile users. This article is written to relieve the frustration for all those who are trying to improve their mobile page speed test loading time. And, by the way, mobile speed test is based on 3g download speeds as apposed to 4g or 5g…
Social media marketing for Business
Quick Guide to Social Media Sites for Business Lot of small businesses have no idea what they are leaving behind when they don’t embrace and welcome social media into their business strategies. Social media can be used to positively impact your business in a way to increase your brand exposure, enlarge your customer base, and grow revenue through services and product sales. Social Media Interaction Social media has changed the way people work and interact with each other. Nearly every person is equip ed with either a smart phone and/or a computer to stay connected to discover friends…
The absolute minimum cost of a 10 page professional website for a small business
In this article you will discover what it will cost your business to have a 10 page website if you decide to do the design and development yourself. I will take you through the principle of having to build a fully functional website on your own. The concept of saving money is not new to us and we love to save money and as well as spend that money wisely. However, saving some money depends on the service or product you’re going to be dealing with. The principles here are really aimed at small business owners who are in need to cut their business costs down to a minimum level as…
Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes to Stay Away From : Part 2
Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes Part 2 This is the second part of our Top 4 Annoying Webpage Attributes. The first part is here. It is understandable and correct to say that each person has a different opinion towards websites. It is also ok to hate what I would consider a great looking page. The fact is that we cannot please everyone. Each person has aunique perspective. But what is interesting is that there are some pages our there that have annoying attributes no matter how good the content is. Website designers and developers try their best to figure out how best to present a site to…
Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes to Stay Away From : Part 1
Top 2 Annoying Website Attributes Part 1 Everybody has a different taste when it comes to how websites should look and feel. I will presented a few of those attributes most website designers should shy away from when designing pages. Here is a glance as to what you will find here: Annoying Background Music Small Tiny Weeny Text All Links Opening To New Tabs or Windows Annoying Flash Menu System Annoying Background Music Perhaps this is my worst nightmare for websites that start blaring away with music or auto start videos. Nothing is more distracting than the sound a webpage makes without…
The Importance of a Domain Name in Business
Domain Names are very important In this article I will outline the importance of a Domain Name for businesses new and old and how valuable it is that you start with a good and unique name that is most relevant to the market you’re in. What is a domain name? Domain name is the term used to indicate the home page of a website. For example the domain name of this website is : OzyWebDesign.com.au. Each and every domain name needs to be purchased through a Domain Registrar. There many registrar’s here in Australia and as well as in other countries. Domain name prices vary from…
What does SEO really mean and how will it benefit you?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Like a lot of things in the business world it really has very little meaning for the majority of the people. Most business owners wouldn’t have a clue what these words mean. On face value, it is a cryptic word that has no logical meaning. It’s an industry tech term used by web marketing technical junkies to create hype. This is then picked up by smart businesses that can exploit this new found hype and create a market through the use of fear to attract gullible businesses into parting cash for services that really is not a big deal. I…