Blog – Articles & News

What does SEO really mean and how will it benefit you?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Like a lot of things in the business world it really has very little meaning for the majority of the people. Most business owners wouldn’t have a clue what these words mean. On face value, it is a cryptic word that has no logical meaning. It’s an industry tech term used by web marketing technical junkies to create hype. This is then picked up by smart businesses that can exploit this new found hype and create a market through the use of fear to attract gullible businesses into parting cash for services that really is not a big deal. I…

What is a Cloud? A Website Hosting Term.

What is a Cloud? Usually a term used in Website Hosting. Clouds are everywhere on the net. It has it’s positives and negatives. I don’t think a cloud is a valuable tool for most business websites. Here is a small document that explains how a cloud works in Website Hosting. The story is that a client in Melbourne with local customers has decided to host their website in the US Servers. This document goes into the matter a little deeper and explains the benefits of a cloud hosting and if it really helps your site. Although it is enticing and exciting to get a server in the US it…