Blog – Articles & News

How to get more customers to your website using organic and/or paid traffic?

The Question is Traffic: organic and/or paid traffic? Internet traffic, visitors, internet users are the bloodline of any business website. Without traffic of any kind you’re simply invisible to the world and your business won’t be a business unless you do something about it. Getting traffic to your site is an industry in itself. As soon as you put up a website there’ll be many businesses who will try to introduce themselves and get your attention about this phenomena. These businesses will be coming to you from close and afar. Isn’t is funny that here you are trying…

The absolute minimum cost of a 10 page professional website for a small business

In this article you will discover what it will cost your business to have a 10 page website if you decide to do the design and development yourself. I will take you through the principle of having to build a fully functional website on your own. The concept of saving money is not new to us and we love to save money and as well as spend that money wisely. However, saving some money depends on the service or product you’re going to be dealing with. The principles here are really aimed at small business owners who are in need to cut their business costs down to a minimum level as…

Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes to Stay Away From : Part 2

Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes Part 2 This is the second part of our Top 4 Annoying Webpage Attributes. The first part is here. It is understandable and correct to say that each person has a different opinion towards websites. It is also ok to hate what I would consider a great looking page. The fact is that we cannot please everyone. Each person has aunique perspective. But what is interesting is that there are some pages our there that have annoying attributes no matter how good the content is. Website designers and developers try their best to figure out how best to present a site to…

Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes to Stay Away From : Part 1

Top 2 Annoying Website Attributes Part 1 Everybody has a different taste when it comes to how websites should look and feel. I will presented a few of those attributes most website designers should shy away from when designing pages. Here is a glance as to what you will find here: Annoying Background Music Small Tiny Weeny Text All Links Opening To New Tabs or Windows Annoying Flash Menu System Annoying Background Music Perhaps this is my worst nightmare for websites that start blaring away with music or auto start videos. Nothing is more distracting than the sound a webpage makes without…

The Importance of Creating Outstanding Website Content that Ranks High in Search Engines

A lot of factors and a great amount of work goes into creating outstanding website content. It is content that stands to shine if it’s any good or destroys your reputation and authority in one blow if it doesn’t meet users expectations. Content comes in many shapes and forms. Depending on your goals, it must have the essential attributes in place before it can do any good service. When you have completed your extensive research, that involves learning the target market, the keyword analysis, the selection of headline scripts, and so many other requirements and factors then only…

Did you backup your website before you updated your WordPress and plugins?

Help, I broke my site when I updated the software and plugins So you’ve updated your server main software (WordPress) and gracefully initiated bulk update of your plugins and you’ve killed your website. Your site is offline and doesn’t work anymore! To make matters worse, if you was like us in the past, you were slack and didn’t bother to backup your site(s). What on earth are you going to do now? I see the dollars rushing out the door… Oh, and you don’t have anyone on your list to call for backup administrative work. Relax buddy! We’ve done that,…

How to Use a Private Label Rights (PLR) Product?

PLR – What are these things? PLR – Private Label Rights. You might have come across a lot an acronym PLR all over the web. PLR simply stands for Private Label Rights and are information products on a topic and sold with full rights to the buyer. The buyer can then do just about anything with that PLR product. There are many advantages to acquiring and using such products in your business. One of the main rights as the new owner is that you can break this information content and use it in or within sections of your own products. There are many uses one can use these information…