Blog – Articles & News

9 Strategies to Help You Get Repeat Internet Traffic

Enhance Existing Pages Enhance the pages on your site frequently. Lifeless websites are dismissed by some online search engines. You can also add a date counter onto the web page that one may show the moment that it was last modified. Offer the visitor to link to you page Add a backlink ‘Strongly recommend this site to a Close friend’ to make sure that the site visitor have the ability to e-mail your website web link, with a pre-written title, “Thought you might be curious about this stuff”, simply just by click on it. Offer Discount Coupons One can easily enable…

Are You Starting Your Own Business?

So you’ve made the decision or planning on starting a business online. If you’ve done any research on the statistics of new business start-ups most end in failure due to poor preparation and planning. Luckily, there are things you can do to guard against wasting time and money and improve your odds at winning this venture. While every business is unique and comes with its own set of problems and opportunities, there are some basic steps to starting up a new business. Things like “Writing a Business Plan”, “Proving Marketability of the Business”, ”The Capital Needed to Run it”,…

How to get more customers to your website using organic and/or paid traffic?

The Question is Traffic: organic and/or paid traffic? Internet traffic, visitors, internet users are the bloodline of any business website. Without traffic of any kind you’re simply invisible to the world and your business won’t be a business unless you do something about it. Getting traffic to your site is an industry in itself. As soon as you put up a website there’ll be many businesses who will try to introduce themselves and get your attention about this phenomena. These businesses will be coming to you from close and afar. Isn’t is funny that here you are trying…

Beginners Guide to Connecting With Your Market and Potential Customers

Those who study and master their respective market are destined to conquer and prosper in whatever market they are targeting. Sole traders and small business startups should do proper research before embarking on committing to their business. One simple mistake that small business operators make is that they put more emphasis on the technology or the technique of the business and thereby totally forget that it’s always about their customers. A big chunk of the market research is knowing and understanding your ideal or near ideal customers. Strive to find who they are, where they are and what…

5 Great Tips on SEO For Small Business Operators

Search Engine Optimization Tips Search Engine Optimization or seo is important for the individual starting an online website. Whether you intend to create a blog, run an on-line shop, have a business site or do anything else effectively on the internet, you should understand how internet search engines work and how your potential customers or visitors could locate you. So, you really should take time to learn SEO as part of your business or internet presence. It is a matter of succeeding online. A crucial element of seo is that you have to put in effort and time on a regular basis in order…

Why is Search Engine Optimization very important for your Internet based business?

Is search engine optimization necessary for your internet website? Many website owners are unaware of the importanace of Search Engine Optimisation and thus leave a junk of the pie for their competitors. So, you desire to be on the 1st page of Google, Yahoo, Bing or any other major search engine? What is SEO in simple terms? Search engine optimisation or SEO is the procedure in which we increase the position of a given website within various search engines. Straight forward right? Regretfully not! Search engine optimization isn’t for the faint hearted. It demands a superior level of…

Social media marketing for Business

Quick Guide to Social Media Sites for Business Lot of small businesses have no idea what they are leaving behind when they don’t embrace and welcome social media into their business strategies. Social media can be used to positively impact your business in a way to increase your brand exposure, enlarge your customer base, and grow revenue through services and product sales. Social Media Interaction Social media has changed the way people work and interact with each other. Nearly every person is equip ed with either a smart phone and/or a computer to stay connected to discover friends…

The absolute minimum cost of a 10 page professional website for a small business

In this article you will discover what it will cost your business to have a 10 page website if you decide to do the design and development yourself. I will take you through the principle of having to build a fully functional website on your own. The concept of saving money is not new to us and we love to save money and as well as spend that money wisely. However, saving some money depends on the service or product you’re going to be dealing with. The principles here are really aimed at small business owners who are in need to cut their business costs down to a minimum level as…

Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes to Stay Away From : Part 2

Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes Part 2 This is the second part of our Top 4 Annoying Webpage Attributes. The first part is here. It is understandable and correct to say that each person has a different opinion towards websites. It is also ok to hate what I would consider a great looking page. The fact is that we cannot please everyone. Each person has aunique perspective. But what is interesting is that there are some pages our there that have annoying attributes no matter how good the content is. Website designers and developers try their best to figure out how best to present a site to…