Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes Part 2 This is the second part of our Top 4 Annoying Webpage Attributes. The first part is here. It is understandable and correct to say that each person has a different opinion towards websites. It is also ok to hate what I would consider a great looking page. The fact is that we cannot please everyone. Each person has aunique perspective. But what is interesting is that there are some pages our there that have annoying attributes no matter how good the content is. Website designers and developers try their best to figure out how best to present a site to…
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Top 4 Annoying Website Attributes to Stay Away From : Part 1
Top 2 Annoying Website Attributes Part 1 Everybody has a different taste when it comes to how websites should look and feel. I will presented a few of those attributes most website designers should shy away from when designing pages. Here is a glance as to what you will find here: Annoying Background Music Small Tiny Weeny Text All Links Opening To New Tabs or Windows Annoying Flash Menu System Annoying Background Music Perhaps this is my worst nightmare for websites that start blaring away with music or auto start videos. Nothing is more distracting than the sound a webpage makes without…