In this article you will discover what it will cost your business to have a 10 page website if you decide to do the design and development yourself. I will take you through the principle of having to build a fully functional website on your own. The concept of saving money is not new to us and we love to save money and as well as spend that money wisely. However, saving some money depends on the service or product you’re going to be dealing with. The principles here are really aimed at small business owners who are in need to cut their business costs down to a minimum level as…
Blog – Articles & News
The Power of WordPress and Why You Should Have Your Website Built On Top of it
For us designers and developers it is one of the best platforms or website engines to build a business website on top of. The power of WordPress is manifold. Here are some of the key attributes that make up WordPress such an engine to use on a website. It is has paved the way for a new evolution in website design and development. There is a small learning curve that is involved in creating pages and posts with a WordPress website. Once the first hurdle is made the rest is easier. If you can use word processing software like Microsoft Word then you can create pages and posts just as easily….